“Marguerita” 50 reps for time: 1 burpee 1 push-up 1 Jumping Jack  1 sit-up  1 free standing handstand ​​

Bring a friend week: Sun Sept 25th to Fri Sept 30th Everyday of that week you can bring a friend for free to classes, anytime, any workout, just let us know how many and when. No experience required. Beginners should expect to scale the workouts and movements. Girls night wod: Fri Oct 7th 1800 Grand…

Skills/ technique Beat swing/ kipping Pull ups/ chest to bar pull ups Bar muscle ups/ ring muscle ups METCON 5 rounds for time and reps: 600m run Max bodyweight back squat Max pull ups or muscle ups Max L-sit hold in sec Scoring is total time and total reps of back squats, pull ups/ muscle…

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