Snatch/ clean and jerk lifts Friday Nov 4th
Rogue lift off workout  Sunday Nov 6th

Hello Pyromanians, just a quick post on our upcoming in house meet (aka olympic lifting competition). The date as been set, it will be Friday night November 4th, time to be determined later. Here are the weight classes:

Men – 135/150/165/180/195/210/225/226+ 
Women – 110/120/130/140/150/160/170/171+

Ideally, you would want to shave off a few pounds and try to make the category below your current weight. Like a men weighting 185ish could easily drop 6 pounds and make the 180 category (that would be me). If you’re too far off, it might be pushing it. If you keep getting stronger and loose weight, your strength to weight ratio is better. We just finished a strenght cycle, did a nutrition challenge, now into an oly lift cycle. You’ve got everything on your side to succeed. 

We will be weighting ourselves just before the comp and have official rank established. Following the weighting you will have to choose an opening weight for your first snatch. The ranks will be determined by weight class and the weight chosen. You will have 3 lifts for the snatch and 3 lifts for the clean and jerk. We’ll have 3 judges and each lifts will be recorded. We’ll have a full list of rules for the comp but don’t worry, this is meant to be fun. The more than participates the better. Im actually hoping that most of us will take part. Unless you’re absolutely disabled, you have no reasons for not doing it. Only 20$ and we’ll have a sign up sheet by the board this week. 

This is part of the rogue fitness lift off. There will be online leaderboards so you’ll be able to see how you do compare to others in your weight class. The rogue lift off is optional but I highly recommend it. Also part of the lift off is a classic crossfit workout which still ranks you by weight class. We’ll be doing the workout Sunday November 6th. 
We’ll have more information in class
Check out the link below:

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