Our nutrition challenge is simply based on this:

“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat”(CrossFit Journal, world class fitness in 100 words).

Now, we won’t be going crazy with this but at the end of the month, if you stick with it, it will make a big difference in your performance, you’ll feel better and your body composition will change for the better. The first couple days will be tough, you might feel weak, lack energy but trust us, it’s only your body not being used to good food. Processed food, fast food and sugar is not suppose to be part our diet. We won’t go full paleo but it’s loosely based on. We’ll have more information in class this week.

Here are the general guidelines:

  • Write down what you eat: Yeah, that might become a real pain quickly but you’ll also realize quickly how crappy you’ve been eating. Just get a small journal, keep it simple
  • Avoid bread, desserts, pasta, any pop or juice. Yeah that means Coke, pepsi and all that crap
  • Drink a big glass of water before every meal, it will help for digestion and you’ll feel a bit full before you eat. This will help keeping the portions down. Most people tend to eat way too much
  • Keep nuts and seeds handy for snacks but not the bad kind. Take unsalted and the no sugar kind obviously
  • We’ll be generous, you can have 2 cheat meals a week but be smart about it. Anything over that will cost burpees, a lot of them. You’ll get to a point where you’re gonna feel so gross after that McDonald’s happy meal that you won’t have another one
  • This might be a challenge for August only but hopefully you’ll keep some of it afterwards
  • Don’t go crazy, have fun with it, it’s just a challenge. We live in a society that makes it really difficult to be healthy, to eat good food, to be physically fit, let’s show everybody what we’re capable of
  • Coffee is good for you, have lots of it. But no sugar added
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