8 minutes AMRAP 9 sumo deadlift high pull 75/55 15 burpees over the bar 21 box jumps/step ups 24/20 Rest 2 minutes then 8 minutes AMRAP 9 box jumps/step ups 24/20 15 burpees over the bar 21 sumo deadlift high pull 75/55 Note: You will Rx this workout no matter what!!!

Back squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

2013 individual event #6 100 double unders 50 handstand push ups 40 toes to bar 30 push jerks 160/120 30 lunge steps 160/120

Strength Every 2 min for 12 min 1 hang power clean 2 front squats 3 shoulder to overhead Built to max (6 sets) METCON 3 rounds for time of: 10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, left arm 5 bar muscle-ups 10 dumbbell hang squat snatches, right arm 5 bar muscle-ups 55/40

“Harper” 23 minutes AMRAP 9 chest to bar pull-ups 15 power cleans 135/95 21 squats 400 meter run with a 45-lb. plate Phoenix Firefighter Brad Harper, 23, of Peoria, Arizona, died while on the scene of a two-alarm fire on May 19, 2013. Harper loved being a firefighter and had worked with the Phoenix Fire…

Boxing day WOD “Fight gone terribly wrong” 3 rounds for reps 1 minute per exercise, 1 minute rest between rounds Double unders Heavy bag kicks Burpee under the rope uppercuts Bear crawl shuttles 5 combo shadow boxing

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday days! Now, go do 100 burpees for time

Rest Stretch 10 minutes

For time: 3 rounds: Run 1600m 50 pull-ups

Strength Snatch 1RM, 3 attempts only, weight can only go up, 2 minutes per lifts METCON 10 minutes AMRAP 100 walking lunges with 45lbs plate overhead 30 GHD sit ups Barbell club Snatch 1RM, 3 attempts, weight can only go up, 2 minutes per lifts Clean and jerk 1RM, 3 attempts, weight can only go…

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