Oly lift prog W9 D1 Power snatches 5×5 Snatch pull @ 110% of 1RM Front Squat 5×5 20 muscle ups for time

CrossFit Open 13.4 7 min AMRAP 3 power cleans @ 135 3 Toes to bar 6 power cleans @ 135 6 Toes to bar 9 power cleans @ 135 9 Toes to bar 12 power cleans @ 135 12 Toes to bar add 3 reps per cycle until the time is up (15/15, 18/18, 21/21…

From CrossFit.com 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 115# power cleans pistols right leg pistols left leg

Rest day Active recovery, bike, light jog or do something fun for about 15min Roll and stretch 15min

Overhead squat 5×1 Power jerks 5×1 Push press 5×1 CrossFit open 13.2 12 min AMRAP 150 wall balls 90 double unders 30 muscle ups

Cardio 20 min run, bike, row…or whatever you have available push to your max, get to your aerobic threshold and back down just a bit to maintain it for approx 20 min. Have fun

For time: Row 60 cal then 4rds 21 burpees at 6inch target 10 weighted pull ups (15#) 10 strict ring dips then Row 60 cal

20 min Run/row/bike or any cardio of your choice Oly lift prog W6D3 Clean and Jerk 4×3 Clean pull @ 100% or 1RM 4×2 Back Squat 4×3 Stretch 10min

Oly lift prog W6 D2 4×3 OHS 4×3 Push press 4×3 Push jerk CrossFit.com 3 rds for time 50 walking lunges steps 100ft walking handstand walk 150 double unders Then (if you feel like it) 20 ring muscle ups

“RANDY” 75 snatch @ 75lbs

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